Monday, February 9, 2009

I have issues!!!!!

Hi! My name is Debbie and I am a blogger and I think I need help. lol!!! I know that this is not a real disease but it does take up a lot of my life. I find myself blogging in the middle of the night and just about every free moment that I have. Life around the Noland house is pretty busy but instead of this being a chore blogging to me is more like therapy. I love, love, love keeping up with friends, seeing friends kids pics, doing Bible Studies, showing pictures of my family, showing pictures of my church family, discussing growing pains of a new church, getting feedback, and just meeting new people. Check out and see how addicted you are you might be surprised.

God is so Good!

1 comment:

Lois Christensen said...

I feel the same way about blogging. It is so refreshing to be able to come on this computer and use it for something as relaxing as reading other people's blogs and writing on my own. So happy for the many friendships I've made along the way as well. I was surprised I wasn't 100 percenet addicted!!! Enjoy!