Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Pic's...Ugh!



Smile and act like you love each other...

Christmas 07'
It's that time of year again. Time to take the girls pictures for Christmas cards. Oh Joy! In my house it is like pulling teeth. The whole process usually ends with at least one threat... sometimes several threats. Decisions, fighting and more decisions. What should I wear, do these shoes go with that outfit, should I curl or straighten my hair, do I have to much make-up on, she's touching me, I don't like the back round, why do I have to take a picture with Sparky, I don't know why we send Christmas cards, I think we clash, she's touching me...they go on and on. I think this year I am going to tell the girls that we are going to take one picture and whatever we get is what we will send. This could be interesting. Last year I think I took 62 and they were still not happy with the one I sent out. Alycia said that all of her friends thought she looked oriental and Kacey just plain didn't like it. They were both smiling and their eyes were open that was all that mattered to me. I think I will just send the first two pictures and bypass all of the stress. This is what they look like most of the time anyway. If for some reason these are the pictures you receive this will know why.

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