Friday, January 30, 2009

Look Through the Frame

This has been a long week. I just needed some music to start my busy Friday. Every time I hear this song I cry. It gives me chills to think that one day I will walk with Jesus! Wow! I don't think we can actually imagine how amazing this is going to be. But I can try!!

God is sooooo Gooooood!


A House FULL of Grace said...

Love it, love it, love it...puts life into perspective, doesn't it?

Lois Christensen said...

Oh my word...this song means so much to me since my dad passed away this past May. I posted about this song about a week before his accident and wrote all about how sad I was to see my father fail and what a strong man he once was. I can truly only imagine what it's like in heaven with such a wonderful person as my dad there now.